Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Monday Mailings

Troop Candy & Nut Sales

We have finished our Fall Candy & Nut Sale.  We had 2 Booth Sales at KMart (Rawsonville Road) to help our Troop Funds. The girls were fabulous!  They worked on their Customer Service skills and Money Management... all while having HUGE smiles on their faces!  A big THANK YOU to all you parents and KMart too for supporting the Troop in such a wonderful way!!

Troop Meeting - Nov. 21 - St. Anthony's Parish Hall

We will be starting our Troop Journey: It'sYour Story - Tell It! AND having a Guest Speaker!  Please arrive on time as there are quite a few things to cover the meeting. If the girls would like to get a head start they can begin reading their journeys:

Daisies - Zinni's Story (page 29)
Brownies - Flying into Shali's Desert Home (pages 6-17)
Juniors - A Cheerleader for Actions (pages 14-15)


Our Troop Journey: 
The Troop, as a whole, selected our Journey for the year.  We will be working on "It's Your Story - Tell It!"  Please purchase the Journey book for your daughter.  Daisies will utilize the "5 Flowers, 4 Stories & 3 Animals" Journey Book, Brownies will need the "World of Girls" Journey Book, and Juniors will require the "aMuse" Journey Book.

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