Sunday, September 29, 2013

Troop 71190 Parent Meeting - Reminder


MANDATORY PARENT INFORMATION MEETING ON Thursday, October 3, 2013 @ 7:00 pm

EDgemont Elementary Parents and Girls!

I’m excited to welcome you to the 2013-2014 GSSEM Girl Scouting Year! This year will be filled with a wealth of exciting opportunity for girls and our wonderful and committed parents as well.

Join us for a Girl Scout parent information meeting this Thursday, October 3, 2013, from 7 -8:00 PM at ST. ANTHONY'S CHURCH in the Parish Hall. This meeting is mandatory for parents and we will be starting ON TIME at 7 PM. Parents / guardians who do not attend may not be allowed to register their daughter and your lack of attendance may also result in forfeiting your daughter’s spot.

  • Discover What To Expect When You’re A Girl Scout Parent.
    Parents will learn about Girl Scouting, what to expect during this year and what is expected of them. Here are a few ways you can become involved:
    1. Become a troop leader
    2. Become a troop parent volunteer
    3. Contribute a skill
    4. Become the snack parent
    5. Help with Girl Scouting administrative tasks
    6. Organize field trips
    7. Lead or help with Cookie Sales
    8. Much, much, more…
  • Register Your Daughter(s) for Girl Scouts.

    At this time we can only guarantee membership in Troop 71190 to the girls who participated in the summer session. All summer session Girl Scouts MUST re-register to continue. Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors who are new to troop 71190 will only be approved for membership based on availability. New girls who are Juniors and older will definitely be admitted. To expedite the process, please bring the printed registration form to the registration meeting this Thursday.
  • Download the registration form now:Girl_Scout_Membership.pdf.
  • Learn About Financial Obligations For The Year.
    If a girl scout already has vest, book, etc. for her level, please disregard fees associated
    with those items. The following are a list of fees to expect per girl scout (NOT per family):
    • $15 Registration (if you did NOT register for this summer)
    • $48 Dues: Dues will be utilized for badges, patches, ceremonies, activities, field trips, supplies, crafts etc.
    • $25-$35 Uniform: includes vest/sash, council patch, pins, insignia troop numbers (mandatory for all Girl Scouts)
    • $22-$30 Girl Scout Girl Guide Book & Journey Book (mandatory for all Girl Scouts)
    • An option to buy a Starter Kit from the GSSEM Store is available to all Girl Scouts.  The Starter Kit is $55 and includes the a backpack, Girl's Guide Book, Journey Book, and Uniform (vest/sash, patch, troop numbers and pins.)
    Additional funds will be requested for some optional field trips. We will do our best to provide parents with 4-6 weeks notice of any additional financial requests for these trips.
Need Financial Assistance? Girl Scouts of South Eastern Michigan doesn’t want finances to be a barrier to participation. Girls have the opportunity to request financial assistance for:
  • GSUSA National Membership Dues for girls and adults ($15)
  • Troop Dues (up to $25)
  • Girl Scout Shop Supplies (e.g. sash, recognitions, and books)
When financial assistance is needed,a form must be completed by the leader / advisor or parent and submitted to the Field Director. Anyone interested in this option, should see Troop Manager, Cindy M., we are planning a wonderful year of scouting for your daughters. We look forward to sharing some of the creative and enriching ideas we have in store for your daughter this year at this Thursday’s registration meeting.

The financial assistance form is available here:  Financial Assistance Application

We hope to see you this Thursday, October 3 at 7PM!

Thursday, September 26, 2013

I Can't Wait...

A new year of Girl Scouting is just around the corner, Troop 71190!!
We hope you'll join us and show us what you just
can't wait to do as a Girl Scout.

Reminder:  Parent Information Meeting is Thursday, October 3rd @ 7:00 p.m.

I can't wait to be a Girl Scout!!
I can't wait to have some fun with my Girl Scout troop.
I can't wait to earn badges and patches.
I can't wait to sing Girl Scout songs.
I can't wait to become a girl of courage, confidence, and character.

What are some things that YOU can't wait for?!?!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Get Nutty for Girl Scouts!!

It's that time of year, our 2013 Fall Product Sale!! 
This year we are going to
Follow our Dreams
to be Nutty for Knowledge!

Sale Dates:  October 1st - October 20th 

Candies, nuts, and magazines… oh my!  Our 2013 Fall Product Sale is right around the corner and we are gearing up for our Girl Scouts to sell candies, nuts, and magazine subscriptions to help raise money for their Troops and service areas!   Whether this is your first time selling with us or you’re a pro, here are 10 reasons to participate in Troop #71109's 2013 Fall Product Sale!
  1. Yummy snacks! We have the opportunity to sell 12 yummy snacks including our new dark chocolate mint penguins and spicy salsa snack mix.
  2. Awesome Magazines! And there'll be magazines too (print and digital), with over 900 magazine titles to choose from.
  3. Troop Proceeds! This easy-in-and-out-sale provides great start up money when troops need it and can help girls save towards end of year trips, events, or even a pizza party.
  4. Earn Journey Books! No need to purchase Journey Books…earn them instead. If all participating girls in your troop have a per girl average of $250 or more in the Fall Sale, then all participating girls will receive a Journey Book of their choice.
  5. Treat Yourself! Just sell 100 or more items (any combination of snacks and/or magazines) and be a part of the new Sweet Success 100th Club.
  6. Treats for Troops! Girl Scouts and customers have the opportunity to support our military with treats from home. Girls with five or more Treats for Troops orders not only earn proceeds for their troop, but also receive a special patch.
  7. Cash Bonuses! Each area has the opportunity to earn cash bonuses up to 5% of their area’s total sales for reaching their goals. Last year many areas used their cash bonuses to purchase/fund pop-up tents, kick-off rallies, and camping supplies.
  8. So much to be earned! Cumulative patches and recognitions are earned, in addition to troop proceeds, other bonus recognitions, and area bonuses. Some patches can be earned just by inviting friends and family to the sale.
  9. Learn The 5 Skills! Girls who participate will learn Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics. Girls will learn skills today that will help grow them into the leaders of tomorrow!
  10. Warm-up! The Fall Sale is a great time to prepare your Girl Scouts for the Cookie Sale.  It provides girls the opportunity to prepare goals, practice selling techniques, and manage money all within a friends and family sale.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Girl Scout Journeys


Part of being a Girl Scout is choosing our Troop's Leadership Journey, everything girls do—whether it's performing science experiments, creating art projects, cooking simple meals, or learning to protect the planet's water supply—the journey is aimed at giving the benefits of the Girl Scout "Keys to Leadership": Discover, Connect, Take Action.
Here's how they work:
A girl Discovers her special skills and talents, finds the confidence to set challenging goals for herself and strives to live by her values. This includes being proud of where she came from as well as where she's going.
A girl Connects with others, which means she learns how to team up, solve conflicts, and have healthy relationships. These skills help her in school right now and prepare her for any career she chooses in the future.
A girl Takes Action and makes the world a better place, learning a lot about her community and the world along the way.
The Journey Options:

There are three options, however we have narrowed it down to two for this year.  As a Troop we will decide which Journey to take (there are different books for each level, but the Journey the Troop takes will have the same message).

Check out the Journey Descriptions for help deciding your Girl Scout year!
This Journey series helps girls understand what it means to be a leader who makes a difference in the world through unique leadership and advocacy challenges.

Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden
On this Journey, Daisies learn about the Girl Scout Promise and Law while exploring the world of gardening.  They may plant a mini-garden, learn about composting, or find out how ladybugs help flowers. They could also take a field trip to a public garden or talk to a beekeeper about her work. The girls then plan a project to help others, such as planting vegetables in a community garden or flowers at a nearby hospital. Girls can earn three awards that recognize how they improved their community through their new gardening skills.

Brownie Quest
On this Journey, Brownies learn how to care for themselves, their families, their Girl Scout sisters, and their community. They may do an activity with their families to chart everyone’s special talents, play games at their troop meetings to learn how to work together, or do a fun “clue hunting” activity to learn the Girl Scout Law. They then choose a project to help others, such as visiting a nursery school to read to younger kids or teach them a game, creating a school skit about healthy eating, or making a presentation to their city council about fixing a broken sidewalk by their school. Girls can earn four awards that recognize what they’ve learned about themselves and how they teamed up to care for others.

Agent of Change
On this Journey, Juniors learn how they can change the world by exploring their own talents and learning about women who have made the world better. They might talk to an environmentalist who preserves animal habitats, take a field trip to a councilwoman’s office, paint a mural about women in history, or create a comic or TV script about a “Supergirl” who takes action on an issue. They then team up to become agents of change in their own community, perhaps by putting on a skit at school about using less energy or creating a sustainable “meal in a bag” solution for the local food bank. Girls can earn three awards that recognize what they’ve learned about using their own talents to help others and how they’ve made the world a better place

This Journey series gives girls the opportunity to tell their stories through a range of creative approaches. It’s designed to strengthen a girl’s sense of herself and boost her capacity to seek and meet challenges in the world!!

5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Cheers for Animals!
On this Journey, Daisies learn what animals need and how to care for them—and how that is similar to learning to take care of themselves. They may go on nature walks to observe animals and record their sounds; visit a farm, zoo, or shelter to see how animals are cared for; or create an animal sculpture using twigs, stones, and other found objects. Then they team up to share what they’ve learned with other people, such as their families and friends. They might use puppets to tell stories about caring for animals or draw an animal mural. They can earn three awards that recognize what they learned about taking care of animals and how they shared that information with others.

A World of Girls
On this Journey, Brownies learn about girls around the world and how stories can give them ideas for helping others, whether in their own communities or in other countries. They may play games from different cultures, invite storytellers to talk about what they do, or draw self-portraits that reveal what is unique about them.
Then they team up to tell their own stories in a creative way. They may sew a quilt, paint a mural, write a play, or create their own ad. Girls can earn four awards that recognize what they learned about the world and how they inspired others by telling their own stories.

On this Journey, Juniors become more confident by exploring the roles they play in their lives and trying on new ones. They may do a role-playing game, invite actors to talk about the characters they’ve played, or learn to spot stereotypes on TV, in movies, or in ads. Then they team up to inspire others to try on new roles. They might put on a performance that creatively urges an end to stereotyping, draw a graphic novel to share with younger girls, or start a “mix it up” day in the school cafeteria and have girls sit with new people. Girls can earn three awards that recognize how they developed the confidence to try on new roles and helped others do the same.

Monday, September 16, 2013


TIME: 7:00 PM

We are changing the date of our Parent/Information Meeting to October 3rd. The location and time have not changed. Activities for the girls and refreshments will be provided during the parent meeting! If you know of any other girl in grades K-4 that would be interested in joining our Troop, please feel free to invite them and their parents as well! Cindy and Madison

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Parent Information Meeting

It was so wonderful to meet all the new faces at Edgemont!!  And we are happy to have so many girls and their families interested in joining Girl Scouts!

Our informational meeting will be held on:

Thursday, October 3, 2013 at 7:00 p.m.

(please note the date has changed from September 19th)

St. Anthony's Church - Parish Hall

And Remember ....