Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Get Nutty for Girl Scouts!!

It's that time of year, our 2013 Fall Product Sale!! 
This year we are going to
Follow our Dreams
to be Nutty for Knowledge!

Sale Dates:  October 1st - October 20th 

Candies, nuts, and magazines… oh my!  Our 2013 Fall Product Sale is right around the corner and we are gearing up for our Girl Scouts to sell candies, nuts, and magazine subscriptions to help raise money for their Troops and service areas!   Whether this is your first time selling with us or you’re a pro, here are 10 reasons to participate in Troop #71109's 2013 Fall Product Sale!
  1. Yummy snacks! We have the opportunity to sell 12 yummy snacks including our new dark chocolate mint penguins and spicy salsa snack mix.
  2. Awesome Magazines! And there'll be magazines too (print and digital), with over 900 magazine titles to choose from.
  3. Troop Proceeds! This easy-in-and-out-sale provides great start up money when troops need it and can help girls save towards end of year trips, events, or even a pizza party.
  4. Earn Journey Books! No need to purchase Journey Books…earn them instead. If all participating girls in your troop have a per girl average of $250 or more in the Fall Sale, then all participating girls will receive a Journey Book of their choice.
  5. Treat Yourself! Just sell 100 or more items (any combination of snacks and/or magazines) and be a part of the new Sweet Success 100th Club.
  6. Treats for Troops! Girl Scouts and customers have the opportunity to support our military with treats from home. Girls with five or more Treats for Troops orders not only earn proceeds for their troop, but also receive a special patch.
  7. Cash Bonuses! Each area has the opportunity to earn cash bonuses up to 5% of their area’s total sales for reaching their goals. Last year many areas used their cash bonuses to purchase/fund pop-up tents, kick-off rallies, and camping supplies.
  8. So much to be earned! Cumulative patches and recognitions are earned, in addition to troop proceeds, other bonus recognitions, and area bonuses. Some patches can be earned just by inviting friends and family to the sale.
  9. Learn The 5 Skills! Girls who participate will learn Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics. Girls will learn skills today that will help grow them into the leaders of tomorrow!
  10. Warm-up! The Fall Sale is a great time to prepare your Girl Scouts for the Cookie Sale.  It provides girls the opportunity to prepare goals, practice selling techniques, and manage money all within a friends and family sale.

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